DNSSEC Roundtable Discussion

Domain Name System Security Extension (DNSSEC) is not a new thing in the IT Security World. DNSSEC, as we know it protects the Domain Name System (DNS) from exploits like cache poisoning. However, some Top Level Domains are still hesitant to deploy DNSSEC due to many reasons. Understanding the standpoint of these TLDs but realizing the importance of DNSSEC, SecureMetric has organized a half day knowledge sharing session regarding DNSSEC on 18th January 2012 at The Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The attendees for the events are mostly top level officials from banks, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and government agencies from Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Laos.

The event kick-started with a presentation from Mr. Yong Yaw Eng, a Senior Software & Application Engineer from Mynic Berhad. Mr. Yong shared some of his experience implementing DNSSEC in Malaysia by sharing the points that an organization has to consider if they are interested in implementing DNSSEC in their organization.

The next presentation was done by Dr. Fadi Cotran from Ultra AEP. Dr. Fadi also shared his experience in implementing DNSSEC but his was on a bigger scale where the implementation was done with ICAAN. Dr. Cotran worked closely with ICAAN to help them secure the 13 root domains worldwide. He also shared why ICAAN chooses a Hardware Security Model (HSM) from Ultra AEP as it is considered the most secure HSM in the world with FIPS level-4 certification.

After the presentations and some light refreshment, the floor was open for discussion. During this session, the attendees took the opportunity to ask Mr. Yong and Dr. Cotran questions regarding DNSSEC to have a better understanding regarding this topic.

As a conclusion, SecureMetric’s DNSSEC Event was a success because the participants from Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos and Indonesia showed interest in DNSSEC by asking a lot of questions to gain more knowledge concerning the importance of having DNSSEC and the best way to implement it.

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