SecureOTP for BCEL Bank Laos

BCEL Bank from Laos has successfully implemented SecureOTP for their internet banking system which aimed to offer their valued customers with strong 2-Factor Authentication for secured online transactions. BCEL or in full, BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE EXTERIEUR LAO is a wholly owned State Bank, established in 1975 at the same time when the Lao People’s Democratic Republic was declared.

Since 1989, BCEL has transformed its services as a full commercial bank.

Like in most transition economies BCEL is moving forward to meet the Financial Sector Development challenges facing the Lao PDR economy.Its Head office is located at

No1 Pangkham Street,
P.O.Box: 2925,
Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR.

BCEL is Lao PDR’s main International Services Bank with Correspondent Banking Arrangements with major money centre banks and 100 other banks throughout the World.

To know more, please visit to

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