Trade Mission To Myanmar For The Malaysian ICT

Accessing Regional Markets: Trade Mission To Myanmar For The Malaysian ICT

In line with SecureMetric’s vision in creating One Asean Network by 2015, SecureMetric participated in Malaysia Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Trade Mission to Myanmar from 26th April 2012 until 28th April 2012. The Trade mission was led by The Honorable Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili, Minister of MOSTI. Around 80 delegates from ICT, Biotechnology and renewable energy sector joined the trade mission to discover new business opportunities in Myanmar.

The trade mission started with a networking dinner hosted by YB Minister of MOSTI on the 26th April 2012 which gave all the delegates a chance to mingle around and get to know other delegates. The main event started on 27th April 2012 at Trader’s Hotel Yangon, where all delegates from Malaysia and around 100 delegates from Myanmar gathered. The event started with a Keynote Address by The Honorable Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili followed by MoU signing between Bio Collagen Technologies Sdn Bhd and Access Spectrum Trading Company Limited. After coffee break, all of the companies from Malaysia were given a chance to introduce their nature of business to the delegates from Myanmar through a 5 minutes presentation. After lunch, the business matching session begins. Quite a few number of ICT companies from Myanmar were interested with the products and services that SecureMetric offers especially our 2 Factor Authentication Solution. They were also impressed with the range of digital security products that we have.

In summary, the trade mission was a good first step for SecureMetric to start paving its mark in Myanmar. We have met a few good potential customers and partners that we believe can help us realizing our One Asean Vision by 2015.

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