Common Frauds on e-Commerce

There are increasing electronic crimes or frauds inline with increased e-Commerce population, very common sector being targeted by hackers are banks which involve direct monetory return if they got it through.
Common Frauds or Crime reported are,
  • Identity Thief
    This is where the hacker is trying to steal the credential from the user and pretend to be the “user” while gaining access into the system. Some of the common ways are:
-Spoofing user by brute force attack
-Spoofing user by password guessing
-Spoofing user by password sniffing
-Spoofing user by faked email from bank with faked link to login
-Spoofing user with faked IP or web addresses
-Spoofing user with spyware or remote control software
  • Database or Server Attack
    This require high stream of skills where professional hackers will try to hack into bank server or credit card service provider and retrieve the user database. There are many illegal ways the hacker can turn those data into fortune.

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